Friday, September 17, 2010

(book review) A Whole New Mind

A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future by Daniel H. Pink
Riverhead Books (Berkely Publishing Group), NY-USA, 2005

The principal argument of this book is that “right-brainers” or people with R-directed thinking will influence the Conceptual Age or the 21st century, just as the farmers did in the Agriculture Age or the Factory Workers did in the Industrial Age or the Knowledge Workers did in the Information Age. The author illustrates 3 major problems of the developed world that will induce right-brainers to beam:
Abundance (It has satiated our material needs and now beauty has taken an important place in our lives. Now, people are in search of meaning)
Asia (Has taken up all the “white-collar” / Left brainer jobs)
Automation (Is affecting the white-collar workers similar to the way it affected the “blue-collar” workers of the industrial age)

He aptly defines the traits of L-brainers (converging, detail-oriented, sequential, logical, literal, analytical, textual) and contrasts them to those of the R-brainers. (Diverging, looks at the big-picture, simultaneous, synthesis, emotive, metaphorical, aesthetic, contextual)

In second part of the book, Pink talks about 6 R-Directed aptitudes necessary in the 21st century:
Design - (Today, the emphasis has to be more on form and emotional engagement rather than just the function – that is what appeals)
Story - (It appeals to our emotions and gives a deep understanding of the context. It helps in communicating yourself) Dev Patnaik's book – 'Wired to Care' goes into more detail on this aptitude. I will write a post on the book soon.
Symphony (This capability helps us put the pieces together, helps us look at the larger picture. We can use it to combine and generate a unique value)
Empathy (It is a basic human quality – the ability to understand other people. This can be used to build a strong network for collective advantage) Dev Patnaik's book – 'Wired to Care' goes into more detail on this aptitude. I will write a post on the book soon.
Play (lightheartedness – doing what you enjoy)
Meaning (Abundance of everything does not give peace to one's mind. That is why the clichéd term 'search of a meaning'. This will have a positive influence)

Though I appreciate the author's thoughts about moving to a Conceptual Age and sharpening our R-Directed skills, I choose to disagree with him in portraying the six R-Directed aptitudes as unique to the developed countries. It is a mistake to make such an assumption as any person, regardless of his country, might be able to acquire them. It is worth-while to note that many successful entrepreneurs, scientists, engineers in the West – People such as Laxmi Mittal, Guy Kawasaki, C.K.Prahlad have origins in the East. But overall, 'A Whole New Mind' the kind of book that marks a shift – It gives a fresh perspective to look at yourself and the changing world.

The right-brain exercises in the book are interesting and fun. It makes one come out of the comfort zone and really challenges the R-brain. Hence to the book,the title is just right!

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